Unable to select unsteady ground global

LaninosLaninos Member Posts: 32
Our alliance is unable to select any global except conduit. While I understand this is a good global, our defense is set to be effective using unsteady ground. Without, this war is basically a war without a global.

Any other officers running into this?


  • LaninosLaninos Member Posts: 32
    We were only able to chose sick and tired for global attack as well.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,462 ★★★★★
    What tier are you in?
    In higher tiers(T2 and T1 for sure, not so sure about T3), there is only one tactic and it changes every 2 seasons.
  • LaninosLaninos Member Posts: 32
    @KnightZero T3. We've done the past three wars in t3 with being able to select a different global.
  • LaninosLaninos Member Posts: 32
    Thinking about it as well, herc was safe from ban with torch this time and I don't recall it being that way for the other 3 wars at t3.
  • LaninosLaninos Member Posts: 32

  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,462 ★★★★★
    It's possible that you're facing a T2 opponent maybe? So the map and tactics are tailored based on that
  • LaninosLaninos Member Posts: 32
    @KnightZero . Thanks. Thats what we were considering in the officer chat as well but I always thought it catered towards the lower tier. So if t2 opponent squared against a t3 opponent, everything would match to t3 rather than the other way around.

    @Kabam Miike any insight on how this typically works? Or have I been mistaken (I'm okay with being wrong)...
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