Looking for a no-line and optional war alliance.


I am looking for an alliance that does not use line. I prefer to have optional war, and I do not care what AQ map the alliance does. Anything between 2 and 6 is fine.
I'm mainly looking for a place to get some of the battleground rewards (will score around 100k atleast) and some glory on the side.

Hit up main-donny89 ingame.


  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Hello fellow "abyss horror story" regaler!

    We have a spot following retirement; map 5 (317m, so 4,400/500 glory), optional 2bg war (g2/3), decent battlegrounds participation and no line or chat needed :-)

    Ilovescotch in game :-)
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