Share your Alliance rewards!

Hello Summoners,
Rewards are starting to Drop so here is my 5 Nexus Cosmic with any good result.

Hope all of you have more luck than me and share your rewards on this post. If they're bad, we can cry together!
Rewards are starting to Drop so here is my 5 Nexus Cosmic with any good result.

Hope all of you have more luck than me and share your rewards on this post. If they're bad, we can cry together!
What a nexus .. each and everytime i have gone for mutant nexus i have pulled **** Apoc , AA or Mags and have 3 mutant t5cc ...will not choose Mutant ever again ..will hunt some skill and cosmic champs now
Finally pulled diablord🥹
Good luck to everyone opening theirs now, although the first couple don't look great 😩
Finally pulled this apoc
3 last eop choose mutant and dont got him
Welcome to my roster Omega Sentinel 😎
Waited sooo long
Next rank 3