Is this working as intended?

So basically i was exploring 8.1.5 and i went to face daredevil with apoc to prevent the purification of the parry but didn't work, i went to double check the apoc's and daredevil's abilities and all was normal, i recorded a video of me facing daredevil outside act 8 and was working normal as well, apoc was preventing the purification but that specific boss keeps purifying everything and he doesn't have a single node that allows him to do it, i'm showing a print of my video that i recorded (i don't know how to send a video here, if there's a way, please tell me so i can show better what is going on) and in that print there's the nodes, now you guys probably won't understand what is saying cause it's in another language but you can double check yourself, it's the boss from 8.1.5
@Kabam Miike can you check this please?
Apoc has only 100% chance to prevent purification
Passive stuns will make it easy
Like most of act8.