Will we be given a free relic?

I am wondering if we will be given a free entry level relic so can experiment and see how they work? If not I can’t see how people will want to chase something when they can’t see it in action other than by watching YouTubers and theory crafting. Like champs that you can pick up in lower rarities and then chase the higher….or are we going to get some 3 star relics to play around with?
Given the fact that the ones in the demo videos from the CCP were 6* I assume that they will all be targeted to a specific class and rarity. While it would be nice if they were available to purchase individually I've got this horrible nagging feeling that we will be getting Cavalier Relic crystals.
The striker ones will be interesting to an extent, but I'm more interested in what comes afterwards.
But yes, a free one to start us off would be nice and also maybe help negate a little bit of the negativity that Relics now affect prestige.
Even if I forego the gameplay logic, it still makes perfect sense to hand out a taste of what spending money can get you.
That's what I've heard from a reliable source