Gorr and America Chavez buffs confirmed!

I was worried after Wong, this whole balance process would surmount to very little but I'm glad that wasn't the case.
I do have some questions tho. When is the 37.1 build coming out? December? January? And, the beta is an invite only beta right?
I do have some questions tho. When is the 37.1 build coming out? December? January? And, the beta is an invite only beta right?
Already r3. Waiting for the dupe
She needed a lil tune up as her play style is extremely fun to execute.
Dr. Zola
Loving Gorr at r2 already, at least for longer fights like ROL ones. Looking forward to the tune up!
Rip Groot
Kt1 I follow alot was showing the notes for 37.1 this month I believe and you will be able to try out gorr and Chavez still nothing confirmed it seems I'm assuming December hopefully they clarify who's getting buffs this month and when 37.1 drops