Does anyone know what's happening here?

RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
Game crashes constantly, returning me to my home screen. In the cases where it doesn't crash quickly, I'll start getting many visual glitches, the boxes around enemies disappear leaving only the picture and stars underneath on the map, sometime whole parts of a fight screen will be missing or transparent, sometimes there will be glitchy characters, for example, kingpins suit will be orange and glitchy instead of white. Visual glitches don't always happen right off but when they do, I know a crash is gonna happen soon. Most of the time it happens on the map when I go to advance, or in the screen when I am choosing on of my 5 champs, or right after I choose and the fight begins to load. Once it crashes, it takes me several tries to get back into it long enough to continue playing. Sometimes I can actually play it for a little while which is why I haven't just quit this game despite all the time and money I've spent on it. These problems haven't always occured on this device, but it has gotten much worse over the past 2 updates. The music always glitches right before a crash.
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