Seven Stars revise for the community

Now with the confirmation of 7 stars being added sooner than later we have a semi split community, with the few who like this and the majority that hate this, I am on the majority but I had an idea of a better system rather than 7 stars.
Now here is a idea that you can dislike if you want, Now instead of 7stars you have a system that pushes past your max sig of 200, now this would be a Red star.
The red stars would be add a percentage buff to your active sig ability like let's say for example Magneto at sig 200 like such

Let's say with Mags heavy damage of 1621.39 boost this will be increased with a placeholder number of 10% per each star this would effect all star rarities boosting X percentage for each star the champion has
This would be imputed with max sig crystals or even as a gem of some sort, once you gain this said gem or item you must use gold and some resources to awaken for each star.
The star will boost your champions Sig ability by a percentage and to gain more stars you would have to face rng again or gems until the champion has full red stars with the percentage of each star going from let's say
1 red star + 10%
2 red star + 15%
3 red star + 20%
4 red star + 25%
5 red star + 30%
6 red star + 50%
So a total of 150% (remember these are place holders)
Once all red stars are activated you will get rewarded for such
Reward ideas
-pfp with unique border for said champion
-boost in star rarities shards Example: 4* dupe without all red star = 275 5* shards / 4* dupe with all red stars = 550 5* shards
(If 6* then you will now get 500 6* shards)
-title that changes to amount of specific star rarities with max red stars
Now this may be a bit far fetched and has very low chances of ever coming to the game as we already have 7 stars in the next few days but this could be a fun and rewarding new system that doesn't require you to grind a new rarity for the next few years.
Any opinions?
Now here is a idea that you can dislike if you want, Now instead of 7stars you have a system that pushes past your max sig of 200, now this would be a Red star.
The red stars would be add a percentage buff to your active sig ability like let's say for example Magneto at sig 200 like such

Let's say with Mags heavy damage of 1621.39 boost this will be increased with a placeholder number of 10% per each star this would effect all star rarities boosting X percentage for each star the champion has
This would be imputed with max sig crystals or even as a gem of some sort, once you gain this said gem or item you must use gold and some resources to awaken for each star.
The star will boost your champions Sig ability by a percentage and to gain more stars you would have to face rng again or gems until the champion has full red stars with the percentage of each star going from let's say
1 red star + 10%
2 red star + 15%
3 red star + 20%
4 red star + 25%
5 red star + 30%
6 red star + 50%
So a total of 150% (remember these are place holders)
Once all red stars are activated you will get rewarded for such
Reward ideas
-pfp with unique border for said champion
-boost in star rarities shards Example: 4* dupe without all red star = 275 5* shards / 4* dupe with all red stars = 550 5* shards
(If 6* then you will now get 500 6* shards)
-title that changes to amount of specific star rarities with max red stars
Now this may be a bit far fetched and has very low chances of ever coming to the game as we already have 7 stars in the next few days but this could be a fun and rewarding new system that doesn't require you to grind a new rarity for the next few years.
Any opinions?
These different things can exist and add to eachother
(Go search polls and 7 stars and view results and you will see where i got my view) @Colinwhitworth69
Even then, your red star idea is taken straight from Marvel Strike Force.
7* champs are not a thing that might happen. They are a thing that has already happened, and you just don’t see them yet. You are not attempting game design, you’re attempting time travel.
You honestly think these polls are even close to scientific? That’s funny.
Only the squeaky wheels like you and I come here to vent. Most players never even create a forum account.
I think the hair pulling over 7 stars is predictably over the top.
I think for me the problem is less 7* champs but the number of meta-irrelevant champions that will be in the basic 7* pool. There's many, many 7* champs that will remain at rank 1 because they're just bad in the current meta and/or are significantly less useful without a high Sig or even being awakened. Yes the increased health and attack values will be really nice for 7* but that's about it.
I don't know if a relevent number of players will want to leave because 7* are coming to the game. Some may if their first 7* is Iron Patriot, Black Bolt or Captain America WW2 though, I think.
We've been here before. That's why I'm interested in Relics and Ascension more right now.
If I have a Nick fury duped 6*, pulling him again as a 6* means nothing to me. A little bit more sig level, great, he ticks down a couple seconds slower. Hyperion, tiny bit more buff duration. Take it to the extreme, max sig Doom, Ghost, or Valkyrie whoever it is, that’s automatically a bad pull even though they’re incredible champions.
If I pull a 6* rhino, it sucks, if I pull a 7* it’s sucks. But if I pull a 6* mr negative that’s 1k 6* shards. If I pull a 7* mr negative that’s an incredible investment for the future.
If you just compare hunting 6*s now to hunting 7*s when they’re released, and ignore the emotional feeling of getting bad champions, you already have a greater chance of pulling something good.
This has the minor caveat that the pool likely won’t be wild right at the start, but if 7*s follow the same pattern as 6*s, we can hold onto shards for months without feeling like we need the 7*s to do content. Then when the pool gets better, start opening them and planning for the future.
The question now will be “then why do we need 7*s if they won’t be needed for content yet?” And the answer is that the transition into 7*s needs to be smooth. If 7*s were added in the game suddenly in 2 years time when we actually needed them for content, that sudden shift would be so severe it wouldn’t go well.
The way they do it is the best of both worlds. 1) people with almost all the 6*s have someone good to chase. I personally have only 6 or 7 pulls in the basic I’d genuinely be happy about. There’s other, ok options. But I have almost everyone I want.
2) there’s a smooth transition to when 7*s are actually needed. Those who like their 6*s get to carry on using them for 3ish years. Think about how long we got to use our 5*s in serious content, and then add extra time because of ascension this time.
TLDR: 7*s won't overtake 6*s in the meta for a really long time, don't worry about getting them.
Note: 7*s are mainly for prestige whales to chase something new since it is too easy to acquire and sig 200 the new 6* prestige champions