How the heck did we lose this Off-season War

We had 1 Defender kill more than the opponent
We finished War in less duration than the opponent
We Still lost
What the heck is going on with the calculations
@Kabam Miike
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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What if it is a bug and this affects the upcoming season @Kabam Miike
So we tied with points thats ok, but we had less fight duration than them and they won the war..
isnt it so silly on calculations.. even a kid can calculate things better
And even if they further calculate the flat duration time into the average time PER FIGHT or PER DEFENSIVE NODE (just in case other points were tied even though different amount of Explore %), before using that as the decider, it should still favor you.
Other team would have only had 1 more overall fight than yours, as evidence by both 100%, 50 attacker kills, and just that single excess fight that was 4+ attempts. That 1 extra fight in now way would overcome a 13% duration difference to make a “per fight” swing the other way.
how can they calculate things like this % wise,
does the RNG rule apply to this too
be practical on things mate
It is the incapability of the opponent(in this case) in the first place to finish late. So how does that come into consideration. @SummonerNR
This is a serious issue to be addressed. It affects the whole system
But saying just in cases where less fights, or less defenders, are done. You would essentially get to count ZERO time for passing over an empty defensive node, or skipping whole paths and thus not fighting.
Thus I was hypothesizing that the Fight Duration might be converted into time per-fight or per-node before being used as the tie-breaker, Just so that you don’t get to SKIP having fight time for fights that aren’t even done (skipped or empty).
(edit) Just as a very extreme example, if opponents not places a Boss on the whole map. You could explore and finish it with a Total Fight Duration time of say 180 seconds (full 3 min, single fight).
And if you only placed Boss and 1 other guard on whole map, if opponents did full 3 min on boss and quick 20 seconds on guard. By duration along 180 beats 200, but on average it would be 180 vs 100.
"if it was a current situation they have records, since the war has ended a week back, they dont have data to backtrack things and cannot help"
that is how the ticket response is
don't bother me to be rude, you guys are banning the players who use ban with the terms of service. First you need to ban the support team for using bots to send automated messages which is no where related to the question.
Can anyone from Kabam take something serious about this situation.
We lost war ratings from the war we won -16 points, we are pushed to the lower tier this war. matchmaking doesnt give enough war rating when played on lower tier. even if we win this match we will receive 15 points
Which is a total loss of (current rating - 16 + 15) 1 war rating from these two wars
If your calculations were right then we could have got a solid (current rating + 15 + 15) total of 30 war rating if we win this current war.
Because of your miscalculation in war results we lost a solid 29-30 war rating which totally affects the upcoming season start. Even a single war rating decides the match making and ranking of the season. Please take a look into it ASAP
Firstly ban the support team for using bots to send automated messages. And find a solution for this
Grasping at straws, but what rewards did you get? Is it possible this is a visual bug but the rewards were consistent with a win (yes, highly unlikely, just thinking outside the box).