Why This New Battlegrounds Meta Is By Far My Favorite

1. Archangel and Torch cant nuke the opponent down in 25 seconds. For any player who doesn’t have either of them it’s a lot more fun
2. It gets you to test your skills and intercept a lot while doing them saver in the process
3. It significantly changes my deck and let’s me focus on other champs, who aren’t always used in other metas
4. Getting triple crits with my Jubilee
2. It gets you to test your skills and intercept a lot while doing them saver in the process
3. It significantly changes my deck and let’s me focus on other champs, who aren’t always used in other metas
4. Getting triple crits with my Jubilee
Also, Fury is great on defense for these nodes.
It’s also fun not banning the same champs over and over. But the Nick Fury thing is total BS in my opinion.
From arcane to celestial from just yesterday. I'm loving this
It’s the complete opposite of the autoblock meta.
Looking at the differences below (1 being autoblock and 2 being crit)
Both present a really tough challenge:
1) all your attacks have a very high change to be auto blocked unless you have buffs
2) all your sources of damage do no damage unless they’re crits
But the additional nodes on top of the two meta’s are where the success or failure of the meta come in
1) you also will lose ability accuracy when hitting block, meaning you can’t get more buffs in a horrible feedback loop. And you also can’t use true sense either as a buff to count to the total, or even to counter the autoblock.
2) you have a way outside of champion abilities to counter the nodes, intercepting can allow pretty much anyone to take fights
If the autoblock meta had given us a “on parry gain a stackable buff for X seconds” maybe it would have worked, but as it was it’s just to punishing and limiting.
This meta however, changes how we can fight but instead of punishing on top of it, it gives us the tools to fight it.
I don’t think that’s necessary for the less impactful meta’s like the heal on block and crits after knockdown last week. That’s essentially normal play, we don’t need a “heal block on intercept” or “extra block proficiency node”. We can play around the healing and block damage.
But when a meta uproots what we normally do like autoblock and crit me with your best shot do, I think it’s really important not to just layer on top more horrible nodes. That’s why we saw such low scores in the autoblock meta, I placed a rank 1 Mordo multiple times and got a lot of kills - someone with an R4 nimrod got 10k points. It was too limiting, and too punishing
This meta is one of my favourites so far. It takes some champs and makes them bad (sorry Mr Negative), but it takes others and makes them genuinely amazing - see Colossus, Killmonger, Stealthy, Thing (he’s my Maw counter in this meta), hell, I even got a 51k fight against a Killmonger with Annihulus of all champions because he benefits massively from guaranteed crits
There are a ton of champions who it turns out are actually incredible when you turn their crit rate to 100%. Some you’d expect, and some you wouldn’t. I wouldn’t want this sort of meta every week, I like some being the usual sort of gameplay, but 1 or 2 times a season if it’s done like this- sign me up for more
After that i changed my deck and faced opponents with decks A LOT BETTER than mine and i beat most of them within 2 rounds!
So i think its great cause apparently there are lots of whales with great accounts and little finger skills, and that amuses a F2P like me
Ultron vs domino
Magneto vs peni
That’s totally turned me off from this meta and I’ll prob just skip BGs for the rest of this week. Not worth dropping my rating any lower than it already is.
Feels good ngl
The skills for sure is there but what sucks is if the AI is being defensive just constantly holding block and baiting specials.