Opinion on Nova

MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
Ok this champion didn't have the best of luck in his strength department and needed some buffs and some people say he still does. But I'm not here to say he does or doesn't I'm just giving a opinion on his current state with my new r5 5* of him.

So let's just say this, he is FUN. Not like fun with high numbers just fun to mess with. His charges are not the most unique thing but watching it rise and reset to get a fury buff it is nice. His sp2 gives double of charge and sometimes shows nice numbers. His auto block also is nice and comes in handy some times. And that was all going with his beautiful animations, like his heavy looks out of this world and his sp1, 2, and 3 show amazing energy shots and the animation team really did great with this. Now I gave my opinion what is yours with overall damage, fun, animations, and anything else

Opinion on Nova 64 votes

1 - Straight Rubbish and INTO THE CAN
SnakeEyes69AmaadAkiraDenzel116LordSmasherZeezoosGodslayer_1xLunatiXxMarostrange2005Wozzle007VVDoom 10 votes
2 - Bad
BigPoppaCBONELogan00LittlePeteSCP1504Amazing_Demon05Suros_moonkahlkorverBen_15455houndogακιShenkAJ007PowerOfACandleAxewSuelGamesManbatn 15 votes
3 - Average / Ok
NescioMhd20034Longshot_33TurguzpseudosaneyuwDooberman420RockyshockyBugmat78Powerofpain1001BocksaroxXguard77SkyLord7000odishika123MasterzxProTheBair123FerahgoYodabolt21Bar1000RomeroK 28 votes
4 - Good
TommasoSacchiniShadowstrikesolopoloMaxGamingSunRiceEwell65SSS69YsFKlunglFrostGiantLordAnsh_ALucashawk 11 votes
5 - Godly, Acend this fool


  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    2 - Bad
    Dude needs an offensive utility buff and maybe some more damage
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    2 - Bad
    ive 6* dupped and im not wasting resourses to put him to R2, specially with so many other great cosmic champs
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    2 - Bad
    His animations are great and his abilities don't meet that standard. Too much meter-watching without the big payoff you'd expect for the hassle. His heavy looks cool and all Dragonball like he's powering up, but nope. Doesn't actually do anything. Building charges to 100 should be good, it's not. You almost never want to do that and most times, you'll be annoyed that you did.
    One of the terrible run of defense champs that aren't much fun to actually play. His "buff" was such a waste, it was was nearly insulting.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    4 - Good
    Nova is quite a unique champ, with unique abilities and animations. He is an all rounder champ, and is decent on both defense and offense. I personally like his fun animations, and his design is cool too. Too bad I always forget he exists :#
  • Godslayer_1Godslayer_1 Member Posts: 342 ★★★
    1 - Straight Rubbish and INTO THE CAN
    A dissapponitment
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 241 ★★
    I hate fighting him in AWs, I think he's solid on DEF when R2/3 but offensively, I rarely use him, animations are cool but like someone said before, there are too many Cosmic champs that are better Rank up options.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    3 - Average / Ok
    Decent defender but falls through the cracks offensively when looking at other awesome Cosmic champs. If he is not top 5 in their own class (Herc, CGR, Hyperion, Hulking, King Groot) or have a very specific thing that they excel at (Angela, Knull, Odin, Venom/VP, Medusa), then where can I use him?
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    3 - Average / Ok
    As a defender he's good but on offensive use he is lacking in certain aspects not a bad champ tho
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