does my alliance qualify for AW Season 37 rewards

My alliance just finished AW season today, but I have not seen any rewards. I’ve also seen other alliances get their rewards like weeks earlier so does my alliance still qualify for rewards? I have done over 5 wars with my alliance this season.
The past 2 weeks have been an OFF-SEASON, time to practice things and get just the per-war rewards is all.
New Season begins today.
Seasons are 4 weeks (12 wars), and need to participate (either/or, or both, defense/attack) in at least 5 of the 12 wars to qualify for Season rewards that your Ally gets.
Have to be 5 wars all with same Ally as you finish with (no leaving and coming back, without starting the 5 war counter all over), and have to stay with Ally thru the time of actually receiving the season rewards in game mail after season ends.
Followed by a 2 week off-season.