Who to r4 6* Tech?

Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
Hi, could you please help me to select who to r4? Mine already r4 Doom, Apoc and Fury. Not quite sure about omega, not that big damage from her, seems guardian gives much more damage and no stress in maintaining debuffs like with omega. Thanks for advice!

Who to r4 6* Tech? 17 votes

Omega sentinel dupped
BrokenSCP1504EtjamaFiiNCHRenaxqqBen_15455VinodCherryGhosturd 8 votes
Guardian dupped max sig
SpeedbumpCtfz35GardoshBlôdletterReal_Madrid_76_2willrun4adonutMightyDPowerOfACandleCeti_Eel 9 votes


  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    I plater with omega a bit, not that easy to maintain her 3 Debuffs do that she will place 3 debuffs. That pause not enough of opponent is to passive and need to wait for his sp. does she that good only with suicides because I would say that her damage is high and damage from plasma need to have at least 8 to see that damage. From damage side guardian hits harder and sp3 then sp2 much more bigger damage.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
    Guardian dupped max sig
    From my personal experience. I never understand playstyle of OS. Idk what to do using her
    On the other hand guardian is so good. He is insane as attacker, slightly good of a defender, nice domino counter too, lots of utility at high sig, and easy to use champ. Mainly good for bg. Enjoy you rankup!
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