18k units for paragon?

GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
Let's say the cyber weekend deals allow me to be Paragon. Only have 1 rank 4 so it's a stretch. But assuming the rewards are amazing. Would It be worth it to spend all my units to become Paragon?

Short question. Is being Paragon worth 18k units (earned not bought)


  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    18k units can clear act 7 and 8.1, with units to spare. If you have the time, you can use them to get paragon anyway.
  • 0casual00casual0 Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    No. Better to just explore story mode. You will use much less than 18k units to become Paragon. It might take a while but just take it slow. 1-2 paths a day in a story mode and you will eventually get it. I used less than 5k units for the whole Act 7 & 8.1 exploration combined. Probably less than that.

    Just what I think.
  • MorningstarIsBaeMorningstarIsBae Member Posts: 222 ★★★
    You can probably do act 7 and 8.1 in way less so why not both? If you have the units then its most likely gonna be worth it based on previous years
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    I am in the same boat. 1.67 rank 4 and completed act 7 last week. EOP should get me my second rank 4. Then 100% 8.1 will get me the third rank 4. Unfortunately not fast enough for cyber weekend. Unless there’s a 3-4 rank up gem for TBs in CW, I will say better wait for Xmas to be Paragon!
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