Legends run with Stark Spidey - Advice Wanted

Ackbar67Ackbar67 Member Posts: 467 ★★★★
Hi everyone,

I'm planning on taking my stark spidey to rank 4 soon, and I've been toying with the idea of going for a legends run with him. Has anyone used him lately, and what recommendations would you give?

Here's what I'm currently thinking:

Full suicides + Willpower are always a must, I might also max out petrify to get an extra few hits before opponents have a special ready. Collar Tech could also help if I have the points available.

Blade for 3 poise
Miles for 7 hit combos

Beyond that there are some options:
Venom for 12% attack
Nick + Deadpool for 10% attack + suicide damage mitigation
Green Goblin for crit rating and increased power gain

What are people's thoughts on the setup? I will be doing some more in depth testing on the various synergy/mastery combinations, but has anyone had recent experience with this?
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