Am I ready to start Act 5>?

I 100%ed Act 4 before starting Act 5. (stoopid I know.) I tried 5.1.1 and I got destroyed with that Flare node. i was just wondering at my roster should I start 5.1 now or keep leveling my champs up (grind arena, EQ, practice in ROL, etc.)
I don't have a picture, but I've got:
4* 5/50 Thor Rags sig 40
5* 3/max? Kitty
5* 3/max Ghost
4* 5/50 Quake
4* 4/40 DV sig 99
4* 4/40 Hyperion sig 50
I'm currently trying to decide whether to rank up my 5* Rintrah (2/something) or 5* Tigra (1/10). Not super great with either but learning.
I don't have a picture, but I've got:
4* 5/50 Thor Rags sig 40
5* 3/max? Kitty
5* 3/max Ghost
4* 5/50 Quake
4* 4/40 DV sig 99
4* 4/40 Hyperion sig 50
I'm currently trying to decide whether to rank up my 5* Rintrah (2/something) or 5* Tigra (1/10). Not super great with either but learning.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
However. If your feel your skill isn`t up there yet to try act 5 I would suggest you do event quests, aq, just to get some 5* champs to rank 4. You should have the materials to r4 atleast 1 from exploring act 4.
In the meantime. Just try 5.1.1 everyday until you get far enough into the lane you feel like it is worth it to push for completion.
Act 5 has some different nodes from act 4 that you simply need to get used to. Take your time with it and practise.
Search the internet for some decent revive farming spots. It will save you units. And look up some guides for proper masteries. They can make clearing content a lot easier, and are a unit investment that sticks around for a very very long time, and does not decrease in value until masteries are changed.
Good luck with act 5.