Advice to Kabam Moderators and Support

Actually read properly what people write before you copy and paste your response.
Seeing it a lot in support tickets that in an effort to close tickets, support agents are just copying and pasting the top response to an issue without reading what the player has already tried. e.g. I recently did not get the reliquary selector.
- I provided all my account verification details
- Stated the actions I had taken to resolve the issue myself, e.g. restart app, reinstall app etc.
I get a copy and paste response telling me to restart the app and this will fix the problem and they consider the case closed. This is not how you provide support.
All too often I'm seeing this in forum posts too. Absolute silence on an issue, wait for it to disappear and consider it solved. Or simply close the thread and move on.
Maybe there are KPIs that you're trying to meet, but you're sacrificing quality of service if that's the case. Or maybe it's just everyone in Kabam is being held to the same QA standard.
Fully expecting this thread to disappear. Or it gets closed and says... lodge a support ticket. Well yeah, that's how I got here. Lodged a support ticket that got inappropriately responded to and closed.
Seeing it a lot in support tickets that in an effort to close tickets, support agents are just copying and pasting the top response to an issue without reading what the player has already tried. e.g. I recently did not get the reliquary selector.
- I provided all my account verification details
- Stated the actions I had taken to resolve the issue myself, e.g. restart app, reinstall app etc.
I get a copy and paste response telling me to restart the app and this will fix the problem and they consider the case closed. This is not how you provide support.
All too often I'm seeing this in forum posts too. Absolute silence on an issue, wait for it to disappear and consider it solved. Or simply close the thread and move on.
Maybe there are KPIs that you're trying to meet, but you're sacrificing quality of service if that's the case. Or maybe it's just everyone in Kabam is being held to the same QA standard.
Fully expecting this thread to disappear. Or it gets closed and says... lodge a support ticket. Well yeah, that's how I got here. Lodged a support ticket that got inappropriately responded to and closed.
This is the first time in the history of corporate customer support that such a thing has happened.
The script exists to handle 90% of cases, where the user needs a course of action to pursue. I've been involved in support and run a support department. So, when someone puts in the effort to hand you the responses to all the questions you will ask - don't give them a cookie cutter response, which simply rehashes the actions they've already taken and told you didn't work.
Support is a pretty thankless job, since you are only ever receiving complaints. But doubling down and providing poor support is going to make users justifiable more upset.