Class bonus in battle grounds

The class bonus should definitely be taken away in battle grounds. It takes away from true skill fighting. Battlegrounds becomes a battle for class picking which honestly is very weak. I never liked class bonus in the game period. Not to mention I never heard of a game that you get rewarded for getting beat down. Who ever came up with the idea that you get special power for getting out classed in fight, was very dumb for doing so. I could see this being a special power that is a unique to a champs rage state of mind. Back in the day fighting games were truly about skill. If u want to give power to fighter for getting beat then fine, but the special he gets in return should not take away 10times or more the amount of hit points over the one who started out ahead based on skill. Skill takes a huge back seat. It’s all about the champ your using which really gets me. Tier level mutants from the comics like the phoenix get not justice in the game. The newest a most recent players, a people u never heard of are stronger than omega level mutants.
Jk, strategy and skill go hand in hand in battlegrounds so it would be dumb to remove some of the strategy from this game mode just because you want it to be 100% skill based.