9M Alliance LF 3 Active Members

Hey ! We're currently looking for a new members, as three of our guys got burned-out from the game we all love/hate . We have a very solid core. We hit every alliance event except the arena one - we usually go 5/6 there as it isn't required. We're rotating between tiers 3 and 4 in AW (Without spending as it isn't mandatory). We usually score 6-20% SA every week without holding crystals or leveling etc. Currently we're doing map 5x5 / 55552 on occasions. That means we get about 2.5 T4Bs per week (If you spend your glory on t4bs) from AQ alone. Small donations are needed in order of keeping the progress going.What we're looking for is for a like-minded player with stable map 5 experience - not necessary to be boss killers but it's preferable. We're understanding and know real life comes first, so you don't have to worry about not being able to put up in events all of the time etc. I'd be happy to answer any other questions you guys have here, on Line or in-game. Contact me - kazze_one (Line) , HenchmanNo21 (In-game) or here.
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