BG matchmaking is horrible and I'm sick of it.

I have a total of 3 R4 and 14 R3. I just became Paragon 2 weeks ago and since then, my matchmaking has gone completely bonkers.
I'm getting matched with people like this regularly
What's the point in playing then? Even if I play perfectly, I simply can't win. I lose 5-9 matches in a row. It used to be more balanced last season when I was Thronebreaker.
It's frustrating and there's zero fun in it. Something needs to change.
I'm getting matched with people like this regularly

What's the point in playing then? Even if I play perfectly, I simply can't win. I lose 5-9 matches in a row. It used to be more balanced last season when I was Thronebreaker.
It's frustrating and there's zero fun in it. Something needs to change.
The alternative is to run your 15 best R4s and R3s in combination with 2*s, which everyone is currently doing, and meet players who do the same. You might have a better chance that way.
The point of a leaderboard/progression system like this isn’t to provide fair matchups. You have to compete, and that means facing bigger dogs.
Believe me, I have a great roster and I still face better ones with loads of nasty defenders that need specific counters. It’s a thing.
OP , one option is to just use a weaker deck overall (not the same as sandbagging) and match up to decks at equal strength eg all 4* or all 5*.
Another is just wait until the bigger accounts have progressed to the gladiator track. It will mean possibly missing out in some of the 48 hour objectives, but will be less stressful matching when the big whales are higher up.
Downside to a low deck, you’re unfortunately more likely to meet sandbaggers. I was running a 4/5 deck for a bit for kicks and giggles and after getting into high silver it was a sandbaggers 75% of the time.
OP, just keep pushing. It’ll clear up after awhile and the big accounts will start to thin out as they progress and move into the gladiators circuit. Gotta be able to play with the big accounts if you want to progress like the big accounts.
I'm in Diamant2 now, and I don't stress about the process. I run only on free energy and free elder marks from progression.
I will be in the GC during the coming week, zero stress or pressure, zero units or $ used.
It is not my job to change sandbagging, but those in charge does little or nothing about it. We are in season 3, they’ve been given enough time to fix it imo. So IDGAFA.
Just enjoy the ride 🏍️💨
While a no-holds dog-eat-dog kind of playstyle might sound exciting for big accounts, it's not very fun or rewarding for the rest of us.
I played BG last season like I said: The matchmaking was much fairer and I had minimal complaints.
It's obvious something is broken
I do agree Kabam should work a way to separate the tiers better either by having different leagues (with different rewards) or not doing a complete rating reset each season (like AW) but ensure those with minimal reset are able to get the same rewards from the progression milestones.
There is Reward Fairness and Match Fairness.
With Reward Fairness, since everyone is accessing the same rewards, the argument that Paragon players can sandbag/beat on Cavalier players has merit. More advanced players should by definition get better rewards. Cavalier players shouldn't have an easier path to Diamond and beyond compared to Paragon. This is a big picture view.
With Match Fairness, it is definitively true that a player with a homogeneous lower star/ranked deck feels that it is extremely unfair to be matched against a player with a wide difference in the the star/ranks in their deck. This is a small picture view.
One "solution" this season has been people recommending using just a complete 3-star deck. I have tried that, but still have encountered people sandbagging (using a mix of 5-stars and 2-stars). So sandbagging is still rampant across all star level.
What is happening for me this Season is that the increased prevalence of Sandbagging is ruining the Match Fairness. Despite the rewards being good, my enjoyment of BG has completely disappeared. The only solution is to either sandbag myself or not play.
That is clearly not an ideal situation, as the small picture has completely erased the big picture.
A fair matchmaking system will pair 2 players that are searching at the same and are in the same tier, that's it. Nothing more nothing less.
OP the only way you'll face accounts that are lower than yours is if you lower your deck (use only r5 5* and/or r2 6*). This shouldn't happen bur the sad reality is kabam have tailored matchmaking to deck prestige/strength of some form.
It’s true tho that since I have 3 r4 the matchmaking became more often unfair… I think having a really balanced roster of 6r3/6r2 is the key.
But since it seems that a lot of people are doing SB, it kinda makes me want to try it lol. If everyone jump from the bridge I’ll do too
Otherwise, these same algorithm based posts are going to be hourly even years from now, whether it is the algorithm or how people are manipulating it.
I suspect Kabam makes bank on victory shields so it’s a nonstarter but I think more people would be incentivized to play if it were easier to progress and/or they removed the “back to square one” feeling being so utterly common.
But one thing i can from my experience is that matchmaking is not that bad for mid tier accounts like ours. I have mostly matched against 1.7-2.5 mil rating accounts which i dont consider extremely lopsided matches and i havent faced any sandbagger since crossing bronze.
But i disagree about 5/65 not being useful in bgs. Majority of my defence is 5/65 or r2 6* and they do get me defensive wins. Sure its getting harder but u gotta try and outplay the opponent