Battlegrounds Still Full of Modders - What About the New Employee?

As the announced new person was hired to deal with cheaters however that's hard to believe when the situation in battlegrounds is worse than ever - full of modders... just met 5 modders consecutivly, with 500K hero rating accounts, without alliance and random symbol names in top places, doing 2 Billion damage single hits...Has that new employee done anything yet? Can you update us if anything is being done in this regard? or there is no hope.
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5 min ago…that black cat is pretty good 🤪
They should do away with elder marks until they have a legitimate handle on cheaters.
Banning then at the end of season is great and all, but it doesn’t help the others that have spent thousands of units on elder marks.
I reported some of them in game AND by mail few days ago and they didn't ban them.
When we ask for compensation for objects used for nothing here is what they answer : "While there is no compensation planned for this situation, we wanted to let you know that if we do provide players compensation for this issue, it would be done through the in-game mail, so you can check there for updates."
When we put here screens of cheaters with their name, in the hour that follows the screen is deleted by the moderation team. They are much faster at Kabam to remove evidence of cheating than to ban cheaters. It's a fact, they don't care about players who play well.
banning them for a week only works in their favor, on that week they create a new account... after the banned account gets unbanned now they got 2 accounts to use then so on.
Losing EMs is another thing but watching modders thrive and enjoy is on a totally different level of frustration.
Even if we assume that too many efforts are being made to manage the situation, I'll still not call it "progress" as long as the results of those efforts are not visible on live servers
Progress in this situation needs to be measured by a visible decline in the number of modders....any other metric is irrelevant
They might aswell not have hired this new anti-cheat person because 1 person will not be enough to combat over 1000 modders.
If they actually want to deal with this, they need a team. Until that happens, BG is a lost cause for real. I know you defend Kabam at every turn. But having this poor anti-cheat is unforgivable for a game this size.