Was anyone else unable to claim some of the milestones from season 2 battlegrounds alliance event?

I decided to move to another alliance after about 10 days of season 2 BattleGrounds started. In that time I was able to put up 300k+ points and as an alliance we passed milestone 9 of 15 and was able to claim all 9 rewards. After joining a new alliance and they were further along at around milestone 12 I waited for the blackout period to end. The new alliance passed milestone 14 during this time. When the blackout period was over I was only able to claim milestone 15. I have sent in about 6 separate tickets about the issue and have been continuously ignored. I have posted numerous pictures with the tickets showing my point totals in both alliances as well as the milestone I was able to claim in the first and being locked out in the second alliance from everything except the last milestone. My tickets keep getting a response that states they are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it and consider this matter has been addressed and will be closing my ticket. I would be fine with this response if there was some post about it on the forums or if there was an approximate time I could expect the missing rewards to be sent out, but there isn't. I have no clue what's going on or when/if I will receive anything because they keep closing the ticket and not telling me anything. As a result I lost 1000 Elder Marks and 15,900 trophy tokens and still have no word wth is going on and what if anything is being done about it. Has this happened to anyone else when switching alliances?
(assuming when you say “at around” milestone 12, that meant they had already achieved 12, and it was 12 and not something higher already)
And wondering, during that blackout 1st week, did you actually contribute any points prior to them reaching 13 and/or 14. Even though it was during a week you wouldn’t have been able to “claim” a milestone, wonder if you still would have needed to contribute points prior to the milestone, in order for that new milestone to trigger and be kept waiting for you once your week ended ?
3 possible options..
(1) you should be due 13, 14.
(2) Ally event is programmed such that you don’t start to qualify for milestones until AFTER that 1 week is up.
(3) Ally event is programmed such that when moving Ally's, you need to contribute *before* Ally reaches further milestones to qualify for those latest milestones, even if you have to wait your week in order to eventually claim them later.
Don’t think they have specifically laid out what the qualifications are, except an apparently unclear sentence saying …
“To Qualify for Rank and Milestone Rewards, a Summoner must have been in the Alliance for 7 or More Days and contribute at least 1 Point”
**or maybe that is indeed to be interpreted exactly as written, and you do NOT start qualifying for milestones until you indeed have reached the 1 week (+1 point) mark.
Like NR said above, best case scenario is that you’re owed milestones 13 and 14, but it’s also not clear from Kabam if the blackout period applies in such a way that you can’t qualify for any of the rewards during that time in the same way as those earned before you joined.
It is highly, highly likely that what you claimed is exactly what you were supposed to be able to claim, and it is a matter of fact that you should not receive rewards for 12 milestones reached prior to your joining an alliance.
Then you join an alliance for the first time, going to an alliance that has already achieved half of the milestones before you come in.
You seem to be saying you should be able to get ALL of those initial milestones, even though you were not in that Ally (or in case of example, weren’t in ANY Ally) when they achieved them.
*maybe* other Ally Events might allow you to claim previous milestones (not sure about that), but for BG they seem to have made qualifications more stringent.
So in my mind, milestones 10-12 should be an absolute NO.
As for 13+14, depends on how Kabam meant for their qualifications statement to be understood as. ( @Kabam Miike ?? )