Looking for map 6 AQ focused alliance

I'm looking for a map 5/6 ally, that's getting at least 4500 glory a week. Not interested in war. I have line (powerofpain1001). I'm active and reliable. Add me on line if you have a spot (please don't message if your getting less that 4500 glory).

Have you found yourself an Alliance yet??
If not? I would like to cordially invite you to our Alliance!
We run map 5x5 currently for AQ! AQ is mandatory!
We run 2 BG's for AW! AW is free to join! No pressure!!
We finished last season in G2. And we are looking for ACTIVE PLAYERS who can help us progress to G1/Plat.
We also just finished top 11%- 20% in BG's Event for Season 2!
Give me a shout if you're interested!
Alliance name: Rebel Alliance 69
Line I D.- Rebel Thumbs
Game I.D. - Rebel Thumbs