Which one of these to R2 just for fun.

Any of these that can serve on both offense and defense? I know some of them can be somewhat annoying on defense but which one would be more fun to play as well? All Sig 20. I don't mind dump some sig stones on these champs tbh.
Which one of these to R2 just for fun. 10 votes
Red Goblin is really fun for questing. Loads of buffs, debuffs and really good damage once he gets going. Throw in the Odin prefights and it's even better. Apparently the Galan synergy is also really good for him but I don't have one yet.
Silver Surfer is also really fun. If you are going to use the Odin prefights, he benefits from them a lot more than Roblin. I'm planning on ranking mine up sometime soon since I don't really have a lot of good 6* cosmics. He has good synergies with CGR and Overseer who I use a lot. The Galan one is also nice
EDIT: Forgot to add, both Roblin and Surfer benefit from high sig, but if I had to go with one I'd go with Roblin