107SJ] The Starjammers has a 72 million rating, 13.2k prestige and 2,350 AW rating.
AW is 3 BGs and Platinum 4. We are very organized with assigned defenders and lanes
We are very active in Battlegrounds with 5.3 million points in BG alliance event last season.
We run AQ maps 6x5, 6x5, 5x5 for 450+ million points weekly, good enough for that sweet sweet T5CC!
We already have a good front line of boss killers and high level player alt accounts so we get a lot accomplished with minimal stress! We have 12 Paragon players who provide a lot of great advice
Finally, we are part of the Symbiotic Alliance, a group of 17 alliances where you can move and grow as you progress
We use LINE for communication - if you're interested, please reach out here on Discord or LINE ID: KoiBoy18. Hope to meet you soon!
107SJ] The Starjammers has a 72 million rating, 13.2k prestige and 2,350 AW rating.
AW is 3 BGs and Platinum 4. We are very organized with assigned defenders and lanes
We are very active in Battlegrounds with 5.3 million points in BG alliance event last season.
We run AQ maps 6x5, 6x5, 5x5 for 450+ million points weekly, good enough for that sweet sweet T5CC!
We already have a good front line of boss killers and high level player alt accounts so we get a lot accomplished with minimal stress! We have 12 Paragon players who provide a lot of great advice
Finally, we are part of the Symbiotic Alliance, a group of 17 alliances where you can move and grow as you progress
We use LINE for communication - if you're interested, please reach out here on Discord or LINE ID: KoiBoy18. Hope to meet you soon!