How does prestige work? Different prestige between ranks

When I check auntmai for the prestige list of 6r3 champs then sunspot is at nr 4. For 6r4 champs sunspot suddenly drops to nr 55. Can someone explain this?
Sure can!
Prestige scales different from champion to champion, each champion has their own set of stats and abilities that contribute to their total prestige. Those stats and abilities scale differently based on tier (star), rank, and level. Sunspot is a champion with a very high base and not much scaling, so as his total prestige increases, it increases slower than the champions that overtake him.
This difference from champion to champion introduces a natural and healthy bit of change to the champions you'd need to invest in to maintain a high prestige. This helps newer players who are climbing the ranks catch up by way of relative attrition (much better than actual attrition with maintenance requirements).
Valkyrie as 5* is at 6th as r4 and goes up to 5th at r5. So she scales better than Spidey supreme.
Anyway, she's a 15.7k prestige champ, she'll eventually get pushed out just like OS, Thor, Herc were pushed out.
For prestige you need current top4 who are 15.9-16k and your favorite 15.7k champ. And of course, relics🤮
At R1, IIM has a 156 prestige lead over Valkyrie. At R2 it grows to 217, R3 is 254, R4 it's 290.
That might look bleak, IIMs lead should continue to grow over Valkyrie, but Spider-Man Supreme's lead goes from 10 to 5. Valkyrie's prestige does scale well (IIM's just scales like crazy).
We could also just look at the info from R5 enemies we fight in game and determine for sure what position Valkyrie would be in with current data. I've hesitated to add the R5 data to AuntMai until the champions are obtainable, simply because we don't know if Kabam will rework that rank's prestige when they are.
Thanks for the insight about prestige, I have learned something new today.