5 star shards? Aren't they meant to be more easily obtainable?

After the announcing of 6-star champions joining the contest, Kabam seemingly promised easier ways to get them. We got them in login calenders for about three months then they randomly disappeared for crystal shard crystals and other junk. I understand shards are obtainable through the valour store, however as a new veteran tier player (IGN: Ravaging), I personally haven't acquired one of these. Although
I love the featured champs on the calendar, can you fit some 5-star shards in there or any other parts of the game?

Pretty positive the 5* shards available through monthly events was increased before they announced making 5* shards more available. Went through old announcement threads to check. So there really hasn't been much of an increase since the announcement.
This is correct. Only changes since announcement has been the addition to the monthly quests. The announcement was made mid-month when they were giving a bunch of 5* shards, and at least a month after they added them to the arena.