FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46


  • FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46
    It's kinda more unfair to us other players as well. kiiiiinda yeah
  • FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46
    ikr jackie my alliance is fuming at this android scam. banning legends helps a bit more
    Stara99 wrote: »
    That’s unfair to the legends. Most don’t do it again anyways. If you can’t do it then you don’t have the roster

    I have the roster and can't do it because I'm on Android. It's useless to attempt

  • FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46
    Raganator wrote: »
    So want everyone to eventually have a Legends tag? Because that's exactly what would happen (eventually) as long as people finish heroic and master.
    Well it could come with a decreased amount of people for the legends title. Also annoying as...

  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    It still remains a challenge for them to compete in. If you can't beat them than you don't deserve it. You're practically looking for a way for them to make a Legend title easier for you to maintain.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    That’s what he wants it to become
  • FluffyFluffy Member Posts: 446 ★★
    Fair is a place to ride the tea cups. Put in the'll get the rewards.
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    I don't have a legends title(yet) and I'm on an android though I'm probably going to switch to an I phone or iPad 8 before the end of the year, just cause I want a legends tag and if I didn't have to wait 15 seconds for each fight to load then 15 seconds until it load back to the screen where a choose my path to move fight to fight I'd already have one, I did the fights themselves quicker than all the people I've timed it against on YouTube. That's what they should fix. The disparity between apple and android. There's rewards for multiple legends titles and there should be, no way do I support everyone gets a trophy for competing type stuff. That's not a game I'll keep supporting. Just my opinion.
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    How about banning people who buy the runs, and people who sell them instead
  • DarkmaliceDarkmalice Member Posts: 13
    Fugitor wrote: »

    This wouldn't be fair because look at it this way.

    First ever legends run. I have to compete against 100% of possible players
    Next run people only have to compete against 99.9% of players.
    Next run people only have to compete against 99.8% of players.

    Seems trivial but eventually the number would be significantly lower and a legends run would be easier to get than another.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    "A rose by any other name doth smell as sweet"...don't worry so much about a title and get a new phone!
  • KinggyyKinggyy Member Posts: 37
    We have no plans from stopping players that have already earned a Legends Title from competing for more. There is an in game leaderboard that tracks how many times a player has won a Legends Title, and there are other rewards associated with most of our Legends awards.

    I would like to know what other rewards there are, you guys also stated there would be legend only events that have never occurred I guess just like bases coming soon??
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    So, you want to ban people from getting T4CC? Because they get those for high placement legend runs. Most repeat runs not for the ref but for the other prizes.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    If everyone had a legends title, it would be so washed out.
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    Do people not understand that going for legends while being a legend has nothing to do with getting the title again?!

    Have you seen the rewards with getting legend? T4C CRYSTALS!!! of course they’ll keep going for it..silly geese
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Most legends don’t need t4cc. Everyone in my alliance hoards t4cc crystals because we are maxed in several classes
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Just because of people like the OP, I’ll do a legends run for every single available event. Might wanna gather all my friends with the tag to do the same. :)
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,514 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Just because of people like the OP, I’ll do a legends run for every single available event. Might wanna gather all my friends with the tag to do the same. :)
    What is you time in goldblum event.

  • anbu7dhonianbu7dhoni Member Posts: 15
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    So you can’t compete with the legends but you want to become one? That doesn’t make sense. Should the Olympics ban people that have already won a medal?

    Olympics can't take place in two different platforms for a single event. For android users there must be separate run from iPhone. May be first 50 in Android OS will get the title?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Gamer wrote: »
    What is you time in goldblum event.

  • Palito_DiazPalito_Diaz Member Posts: 51
    Darkmalice wrote: »
    Fugitor wrote: »

    This wouldn't be fair because look at it this way.

    First ever legends run. I have to compete against 100% of possible players
    Next run people only have to compete against 99.9% of players.
    Next run people only have to compete against 99.8% of players.

    Seems trivial but eventually the number would be significantly lower and a legends run would be easier to get than another.

    to your point, this is true if the number of players are fixed from day 1 until now. But new players come in and old players retire as time passes.
  • Slux83Slux83 Member Posts: 357 ★★
    The solution is simple. Just make two pools of players for legend runs.. one android, one iOS. I'm pretty sure it's an easy thing to implement on server side.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,514 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Gamer wrote: »
    What is you time in goldblum event.


    Mine 1 huers and 10 mint hops to get it But Thah it ikow. The tome not the Best But not bad either. Make one mistak ther take 30s. My mastry. Forget. Dex. So im have to get Dex back one. So im rest my low. Tress so it not take to much time
  • at0mat0m Member Posts: 97
    Darkmalice wrote: »
    Fugitor wrote: »

    This wouldn't be fair because look at it this way.

    First ever legends run. I have to compete against 100% of possible players
    Next run people only have to compete against 99.9% of players.
    Next run people only have to compete against 99.8% of players.

    Seems trivial but eventually the number would be significantly lower and a legends run would be easier to get than another.

    to your point, this is true if the number of players are fixed from day 1 until now. But new players come in and old players retire as time passes.

    So the number of players remain the same more or less.
    X people join as new players.
    Y people leave as retired.
    X may not be equal to Y, but the logic remains.
  • NevvBNevvB Member Posts: 287 ★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Gamer wrote: »
    What is you time in goldblum event.


    Damn right behind you with 1:05
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