Pause Button in Battlegrounds

How is it a fair fight when he hit my Wiccan one time then paused the fight and timed out. There shouldn’t be a pause button in battlegrounds type content when the whole point is to be the fastest.


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  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    Yep here we go again ppl losing an finding a reason statergy is unsportsmanlike lol

    That isn’t a reasonable strategy and isnt sportsmanlike. It’s essentially like the Corvus in aw change that was made.
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 333 ★★★
    The pause function is ruining the game mode (even more than it already is - and it is a lot). I felt I was experiencing it VERY OFTEN, but after reading your post, I decided to pay explicit attention to it. And in around 50 pct. of the matches, I have played, the last couple of days, the opponents have paused the game and let the time rund out...
  • TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    edited December 2022
    Pause bottom is my strategy for when something or someone interrupts and I need 5 sec break. I still think it should count towards the accumulated time spend. Just need to make sure the loading time at the start of the fight doesn't count as well.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    edited December 2022

    How is it a fair fight when he hit my Wiccan one time then paused the fight and timed out. There shouldn’t be a pause button in battlegrounds type content when the whole point is to be the fastest.

    Although pausing in BGs is def a problem, pausing isnt the only way to get this result.

    This can also happen if you just quit out the fight right away.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    You are aware you can use the pause button as well right ? And it’s not like it gives any real advantage unless your opponent really sucks . Not long term pausing at least
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★

    How is it a fair fight when he hit my Wiccan one time then paused the fight and timed out. There shouldn’t be a pause button in battlegrounds type content when the whole point is to be the fastest.

    Although pausing in BGs is def a problem, pausing isnt the only way to get this result.

    This can also happen if you just quit out the fight right away.
    quitting is disabled. only other way this actually happens is someone had to force close game cause it got stuck and then restarta dn only got this much fight time
    Is it? If so that must’ve been a more recent change. Maybe 1-2 months ago, I got close to a 15k score quitting in a match after a few seconds vs an alliance mate
  • GeneralMerceGeneralMerce Member Posts: 242 ★★
    You should never score less than 15K points with the victory track nodes... Chances are pretty high they would have beaten you even if they didn't pause cuz you lost so badly. I'm guessing you were forced into this matchup because you didn't choose champs correctly OR are still one of those that have a sandbag deck (though it doesn't work anymore). So what I am picking up from this discussion is that this loss is 100% on you. You were out played by the NPC and out strategized by the User.
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★

    How is it a fair fight when he hit my Wiccan one time then paused the fight and timed out. There shouldn’t be a pause button in battlegrounds type content when the whole point is to be the fastest.

    Although pausing in BGs is def a problem, pausing isnt the only way to get this result.

    This can also happen if you just quit out the fight right away.
    This isn't true anymore, Kabam actually changed it recently so you can't quit out of the fights. The quit button is greyed out in BGs. You have to wait for the timer to expire. You used to be able to skip damage received from an SP3 by quitting before the hits specifically occurred but now you have to make sure you pause before the enemy launches the attack. They're clearly aware of the issues and exploits that pausing/quitting can have. I think they would like the ability to pause to be present but I'm not seeing anyway where having it doesn't lead to enabling an exploit.
  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    He outplayed you as simple as that, the scoring system has been bad since the release and at this point everyone knows how the scoring works
  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 269 ★★

    Name any other sport, event or game where it's ok to pause in the middle of an ongoing play to avoid your opponent scoring on you?

    The following is not 100% analogous to this situation, but there is the strategy in football (American, NFL) to use timeouts for clock management.

    I think the larger concept here is that any competition is going to have a specific structure and rules, and that some people will always find loopholes and workarounds to gain an advantage. These methods are often going to be seen as cheap tactics or unethical or unsportsmanlike because they were not originally imagined to be part of the competitive experience. Others may find these methods to be a frustrating ingenuity.

    There should be meaningful thought given to every revision of the system and rules, because over time as corrective actions accumulate, the risk is that the competitive experience changes just as much as if the cheap/unethical/unsportsmanlike aspects were left unaddressed. This has been exemplified by certain sports making it into the Olympics and becoming morphed over time due to a similar process.

  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★

    How is it a fair fight when he hit my Wiccan one time then paused the fight and timed out. There shouldn’t be a pause button in battlegrounds type content when the whole point is to be the fastest.

    There’s no issue your just salty that you lost to someone doing something smart they know you want survive and you won’t get the kill so you lose 15k points the guarantee 15k and they just hope you don’t do enough damage
    Ah yes. Just like sandbagging. All those poor souls just salty because someone "smarter" than them manipulated the system to get wins that they knew their opponent couldn't do anything about. now that the verdict is in, let's all just pause and roll the dice and see how fun that is.

    Could literally go circles about this all day.

    The only REAL difference is where a players moral compass is set and how badly they want the rewards. Until/unless Kabam writes a BG rule book, enforces those rules and prevents players from being able to circumnavigate the written rules, whether you agree or not, all's fair in BGs as a strategy (outside of modding - which has specifically been written as a rule in the T.o.S.)
  • Marostrange2005Marostrange2005 Member Posts: 423 ★★★
    edited December 2022
    it should be that if you quit you get 0 points cause this is stupid
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    Pausing may be not the fairest kind of fighting, but with your pre fight ability of Torch you could have made more points and win it, or have a look at what the opponent picks and bring a poison imune champ and take a very easy win.
  • Marostrange2005Marostrange2005 Member Posts: 423 ★★★
    Badass84 said:

    Pausing may be not the fairest kind of fighting, but with your pre fight ability of Torch you could have made more points and win it, or have a look at what the opponent picks and bring a poison imune champ and take a very easy win.

    it is random though sometimes i have no poison immune champs and use stealthy for example sometimes i get lucky with 1-2 poisons but sometimes i get unlucky with 6
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,794 ★★★★★
    This sucker punch strategy is just a hair better than sandbagging, as neither are in the spirit of the intended competition, but at least one fight was won cleanly to pull this lever. I think there should be a health penalty for using the pause to mitigate this and the use of “strategic pausing” in other node combinations as that use if the pause also really isn’t either. The pause itself is not the problem, as people can have unexpected interruptions and should be able to do it but there should be a cost. For example if you pause it costs you roughly 0.83% health a second, or a value that would drain to 0 at the end of the allocated time.
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