Rank 4 or rank 2

BanannaPandaBanannaPanda Member Posts: 151
I currently have 7 rank 3 6*s. No rank 4 at all. I’m wondering if it’ll be better for me to focus resources on gaining a single r4 or if I’m better off devoting them to ranking up my rank 1 and 2 6*. I’ve got champs like Wiccan, ham, nimrod, bwdo, rintrah, etc. that I have at low ranks just due to lack of resources.

Rank 4 or rank 2 6 votes

Get the first r4 (galan, negative, cgr)
RenaxqqHaris_204JJMAC 3 votes
More r3 (Nimrod, Apoc, psylocke)
Jazz_MessengerItsClobberinTime 2 votes
More r2 (Wiccan, ham, bwdo, rintrah)
Giantwalrus56 1 vote


  • BanannaPandaBanannaPanda Member Posts: 151
    Please note that those in brackets are only my most likely options to rank up. There are others I would like to at later dates but these are the personal favorites
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