Battleground Decks

Is there a detail description on how these work? I am thinking of purchasing for a non-recoil deck. Or is it just you buy one time ever and lock in masteries and done and can swich champs with no cost as long as you don't want to change masteries?
If they work the way I think, why can't we have this outside of BGs too? It's past time for this game to allow us to test builds without so much cost.
If they work the way I think, why can't we have this outside of BGs too? It's past time for this game to allow us to test builds without so much cost.
If you want two BG decks, one with recoil and one without, then you would have to purchase an additional mastery load out.
Hope that made sense and answered your question.
Right now, for free, you can specify a BG mastery and lock it in for BG, and then outside of BG you can revert back or do whatever other changes you want to masteries without it affecting your BG mastery.
It's only if you want to switch between multiple Mastery setups *within BG* that you would need to purchase a mastery setup for BG (which would actually be a 2nd mastery setup for BG).
Versus 100ish units each time back and forth. Very good addition and like I said, I would pay 1000 one time for an AW defense build as well that I could choose.