R4 Corvus or Hyperion?

DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 384 ★★
edited December 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Just explored 100% Act 7 and got a cosmic r3 to 4 gem. I am not yet Paragon and I don't know who to rank. I just pulled Hyperion, and he is unawakened, but i could use my generic on him.
I already have awakened and at r3 Corvus but I am a bit sceptical about investing more in him...
I am thinking about holding on to the gem.
I do run suicides usually, otherwise I would invest in Hyperion.
What do you think?

R4 Corvus or Hyperion? 57 votes

R4 Corvus
TendersquadTerraMoosetiptronicEugene_VirtuosoGOTGHaris_204ProtogenoiSlayinAlive 8 votes
R4 Hype and use generic on him
SpeedbumpBpn88855CropDusterThecrusher_9756Rbk19Roflmao123CAckbar67AmaadAkiradoctorbMaxGamingMobile_P0tat0SquirrelguyMaratoxBocksaroxFiiNCHLeoZedRenaxqqSpideyFunkoPhillip14233CaptainDenvers 30 votes
R4 Hype but don't awaken
DannyB01PikoluAJ007 3 votes
zuffyMrLalowBluestoneCassyThe_Blue_JaguarDooberman420MadEyeMoody_333avs7733Aomine_Daiki10TRDSJBHJ12345___JefechutaBlack_wid0wLickyCederMiniMF 15 votes
Other(specify please)
Marostrange2005 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • Eugene_VirtuosoEugene_Virtuoso Member Posts: 378
    R4 Corvus
    Since you mentioned using suicides, go with Corvus. Hold on to the generic for now, it's very precious. Hyperion can be generic worthy, but there are better options. With some good luck you'll dupe him naturally at some point. I naturally duped mine recently after searching for some time and then took him up.
  • Eugene_VirtuosoEugene_Virtuoso Member Posts: 378
    R4 Corvus
    But then again, it depends on you. You can go with awakening and ranking up Hyperion if you love him. He's a great champion.
  • Marostrange2005Marostrange2005 Member Posts: 423 ★★★
    Other(specify please)
    maybe wait for herc.. hype does not need r4
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    edited December 2022
    R4 Hype and use generic on him
    Hype is definitely generic worthy, but rough with suicides. Do you ever plan to take them off?

    If suicides are on for the forseeable future, then corvus benefits most from high rank, but Hype benefits more from awakening. Tough decision.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    I don't see Hercules better hold on to the gem.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    R4 Corvus
    You can't run Hype with suicide it's suicide literally.
    Corvus at rank 4 with suicide is still great, he just need 1 charge, everything else is just a bonus. And he can heal from suicide so it's a great combination.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    R4 Corvus
    I don't use suicide mastery anymore but if I do it should be Herc Corvus Omega Red and robots.
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