Thoughts on Hood now that Kabam responded to his looping invisibility "bug" fix.

My head is still spinning a little a bit but being someone that literally just r4'd my 6* Hood in November and used a combination of mystic and generic sig stones to get him to max sig after getting used to his invisibility looping, I'm left a little speechless. The response that was just left in another thread about him being "fixed" after never alerting of the bug to begin with and multiple videos out there showcasing his looping invisibility ability....I just don't know what to say. I'm not even going to ask for rank down tickets because why? Even if I ranked him down, I wouldn't get the 160 6* sig stones I dumped into him (which still aren't that easy to come by). I'm not super happy I used a ton of the ones I got from the cyber weekend deals just to have this happen a couple weeks later. Sorry, I know this isn't a constructive feedback post and is more of a complaining/whining post but I do literally feel like I just got the rug pulled out from under me on this one and I can't be the only one out there. I don't have a whale account and r4's are still very hard to come by and decisions to rank them up aren't made on a whim. Maybe I'm just overreacting but I would be curious to know what others think.
Fun fact: **or maybe just word on da street**
The Infinity Invisibility Loop is still available. Just requires a different rotation.
This short YouTube video is worth the watch. 👍
Problem with people like you is you want to leave the "pro player" bugs and get rid of the other bugs. All bugs are the same.
Again, why would they make a champ that can be invisible forever during a match?
Hood was not intended to be invisible the entire fight. The Dev notes say to "consistently" keep invisibility buff up. Consistently isn't the same as infinite.
Consistent doesn't mean infinite. If it said Constant, then you'd have a different argument.
So the word 'consistent' matches its description perfectly.
The only problem here is you like to eat whatever you get served for whatever reason. You're always white knighting for Kabam on the forums, so much so your username has become a meme (quite literally).
Because only the first two hits are guaranteed to miss? That's not broken in the slightest.
I'm sorry, but personally I am disappointed again in Kabam on how these things are communicated (or not) and I don't even use him that much and definitely was not looping him like others for full uptime.
I have to question, why do these things keep happening? It's so simple to publish known champion bugs even if it isn't simple to fix them in a timely fashion. Do better Kabam, please.
I don’t see how you see these so differently. Until Kabam came out two days ago and said it was a bug everyone was fine with interpreting exactly the way they were which isn’t any different than doom or CGR when it comes to rotations and Kabam didn’t say peep about it. It takes skill to pull off and it’s not like you dash back hold block and bang you have infinite invisibility.
The fact that it’s only the first two hits that are guaranteed misses and there are still obvious counters makes it hardly infinite. In reality it’s more like more time invisible than not. Kitty pride and ghost have way more reliable miss mechanics than hood ever did and are much more simple to play full uptime phasing with. According to your logic of not intending a champ to have “infinite” miss mechanics there is no way that could ever be intended regardless of what the champs abilities say.
Back to the real issue here and I’d like to hear why you think this is ok. Silently fixing a “bug” that was never listed as a bug that decreases a champs effectiveness after a year and a half of existence and plenty of videos showcasing it. That’s perfectly acceptable?
Sux to see It'sClobberinTIme banned now
Basically you’re saying Falcon and Captain America Falcon have been bugged forever because they didn’t have infinite Recon Scan (same description along with dash and hold mechanics); and an huge amount of other champions with cooldowns after an ability ends.
People try to hang their arguments on the use of the word “consistent”, that’s purely semantics. The game team consistently uses consistent to describe champions abilities; see what I did there? It doesn’t mean they always use the word consistent but often do.
Like I don’t really agree with Kabam in terms of how they chose to word it bc I feel it’s pretty misleading, I’m over feeling some type of way about it tho. At this point for me it’s about the communication since this all started up.