Who to give 6* generic AG

The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★
edited December 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I don't run suicides. I've around 80 Sig stones to give at the moment. I love using ghost and am pretty good with her. Just pulled nimrod yesterday so I'm not having any experience using him. Haven't used OR ever too. I've Colossus ranked up too but I'm not a big fan of synergy dependent champs. I'm mainly debating between Ghost and OR. I've pretty much all the other generic gem worthy champs already awakened except Hercules maybe cause i haven't pulled him yet.

Who to give 6* generic AG 26 votes

ScarRealmGardoshBen_15455SaltE_Wenis69ScrubhanReal_Madrid_76_2Tnkeesman 7 votes
Omega Red
Spity68Ewell65SSS69 2 votes
ReignkingTWRenaxqqNgoalong711Yodabolt21willrun4adonutZAHIDMALIK1588 6 votes
Save for Hercules, etc.
SpeedbumpReferenceMrOmegaBeastLuke9523LeoZedZippy_halliganabamRudolph_RaindeerAnsh_AKLZGhosturd 11 votes


  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,547 ★★★★★
    Ghost doesn't even require Sig stones, just lvl 1 Sig helps a lot. Herc requires as high Sig as possible, i recommend using gem on ghost for now
  • ScrubhanScrubhan Member Posts: 159
    Ghost can carry through so much content even without suicides
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