Another way to enjoy the game exists ( Thank bg)

Kasnow1Kasnow1 Member Posts: 83
edited January 2023 in General Discussion
I've been reading the posts since yesterday and I'd like to make a single voice heard in this game. To hear the community, Kabam has ruined the battlegrounds by proposing restrictive nodes . If I'm not mistaken, the limits apply to the opponents too. I've read that summoners would like there to be no nodes on the path to victory. If I don't talk nonsense, it exists and it's called VS. Kabam has done a lot for all the complainers by making the story mode, variant mode and event month quest mode very easy. Please leave us at least one competitive mode that proves we were right to up other characters than Human Torch CGR or Archangel. I know this opinion will not be unanimous but represents the point of view of the summoners who liked this game when it offered challenges and who are often bored now.


  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    I'm not the most skilled and probably won't make it out of the victory track part. I am enjoying going through my roster for champs to get it done. I just won a match against a stronger opponent and my 3rd match defender was an r1 6* Howard the Duck.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I don`t like the nodes in this season. But that being said. I totally agree with you. They have actually made Battlegrounds perfect for both the people that want to take it seriously and people that just like getting some extra rewards. The first season I really tried hard, and got very frustrated by battlegrounds. Simply because I lag the skill (and sometimes the roster) to be competative. I found a place to enjoy it by making teams with only 4* champs. Since I could use a wide variaty of champs and rank them up to try them without too much cost. (not sandbagging but just only 4* rank 5 champs)
    Sadly that option was removed. But still. Just do 3 battles. Get some stuff to buy shards or sig stones. If you win a battle get some extra stuff. And let the rest nuke it out. If you are a very skilled player I totally get why you like this mode. Since it is the only mode that is both really really challenging, and also rewarding.
  • Mario33Mario33 Member Posts: 477 ★★★

    Kasnow1 said:

    I've been reading the posts since yesterday and I'd like to make a single voice heard in this game. To hear the community, Kabam has ruined the battlegrounds by proposing restrictive nodes . If I'm not mistaken, the limits apply to the opponents too. I've read that summoners would like there to be no nodes on the path to victory. If I don't talk nonsense, it exists and it's called VS. Kabam has done a lot for all the complainers by making the story mode, variant mode and event month quest mode very easy. Please leave us at least one competitive mode that proves we were right to up other characters than Human Torch CGR or Archangel. I know this opinion will not be unanimous but represents the point of view of the summoners who liked this game when it offered challenges and who are often bored now.

    It's more that summoners don't want to strategize and think outside the box. They're mad because their precious Hercules can't win every fight.

    Your point about story mode just shows many players can't handle challenging content. Or the minute they find something a little out of their comfort zone, they have an adverse reaction like we're seeing. Many are incapable of knowing champs like Man-thing are better than just innuendo jokes. It's quite sad.
    I think the node is not that hard as most of the people say. BUT, limited counter option and banning 3 champs make some of the accounts hard to win. Maybe this node belongs to Gladiator Circuit not Victory Track. I don’t have any problem with the node, i won more than i lose but i just wanna say i understand what people complaining about.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★

    Kasnow1 said:

    I've been reading the posts since yesterday and I'd like to make a single voice heard in this game. To hear the community, Kabam has ruined the battlegrounds by proposing restrictive nodes . If I'm not mistaken, the limits apply to the opponents too. I've read that summoners would like there to be no nodes on the path to victory. If I don't talk nonsense, it exists and it's called VS. Kabam has done a lot for all the complainers by making the story mode, variant mode and event month quest mode very easy. Please leave us at least one competitive mode that proves we were right to up other characters than Human Torch CGR or Archangel. I know this opinion will not be unanimous but represents the point of view of the summoners who liked this game when it offered challenges and who are often bored now.

    It's more that summoners don't want to strategize and think outside the box. They're mad because their precious Hercules can't win every fight.

    Your point about story mode just shows many players can't handle challenging content. Or the minute they find something a little out of their comfort zone, they have an adverse reaction like we're seeing. Many are incapable of knowing champs like Man-thing are better than just innuendo jokes. It's quite sad.
    Hercules point is another assumption 🙄 nothing wrong with thinking out the box, like they did with that 1 node in GC the other season, something with crit hits ... this eliminated the like of AA Torch (cheese options). This node is just too far, removes all aspects of fun out the game unless you're one of those puzzle nuts who loves to overthink in a game
  • natelc4185natelc4185 Member Posts: 4
    I’ve played BGs every season, and this season’s node is just way too much. Between having limited counters (especially since every champ on your roster is RNG - you can’t build a custom roster, so to speak) and the 3 champion ban, you’re just watching your champs melt. I literally just had a fight where all 3 of my 6* champs with armor break immunity were banned prior to the start and the random draft didn’t allow me to select a single 5* option I have in the deck that is armor break immune, so it was quick fight.
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 667 ★★★
    I am in the victory track. Why am I losing health, the node only says power burn?

    Can someone help?
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    Kabam overcooked the victory track nodes…they didn’t need to include the 2nd node. Just dump that and let the 80%+ enjoy the VT circuit. Leave the ridiculous to the elite.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    rcm2017 said:

    I am in the victory track. Why am I losing health, the node only says power burn?

    Can someone help?

    Power burn will cause health loss.

    You’ll get power burned whenever there’s an armour up on the opponent. You give the opponent an armour up every 10 hits. If they have multiple armour ups you’ll take higher damage.

    The best ways to work around this is one of the following:
    - High DoT champions - AA, HT
    - Low hit heavy attack champions - CMM, Warlock
    - Stagger (ensure that it’s there on every 9th hit to stagger armour up) - Doom, Sym Supreme, Manthing
    - Power burn immune champions - Hulkling, Terrax, King Groot etc
    - Ability Accuracy Reduction to prevent armour ups/the power burn working - KP (Sp1), awakened AA, Hit Monkey
    - Champions that Armour Break - Corvus, CMM, CGR, King Groot
    - Champions that don’t need to hit the opponent directly - Masacre, Valkyrie
    - Neutralise - Rintrah, Hood, Wiccan, Tigra
    - Champions that can remove an armour up - Knull, CMM (heavy counter)

    Build your defence to counter these champions/have armour ups that can’t easily be removed etc.
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 391 ★★★

    Kasnow1 said:

    I've been reading the posts since yesterday and I'd like to make a single voice heard in this game. To hear the community, Kabam has ruined the battlegrounds by proposing restrictive nodes . If I'm not mistaken, the limits apply to the opponents too. I've read that summoners would like there to be no nodes on the path to victory. If I don't talk nonsense, it exists and it's called VS. Kabam has done a lot for all the complainers by making the story mode, variant mode and event month quest mode very easy. Please leave us at least one competitive mode that proves we were right to up other characters than Human Torch CGR or Archangel. I know this opinion will not be unanimous but represents the point of view of the summoners who liked this game when it offered challenges and who are often bored now.

    It's more that summoners don't want to strategize and think outside the box. They're mad because their precious Hercules can't win every fight.

    Your point about story mode just shows many players can't handle challenging content. Or the minute they find something a little out of their comfort zone, they have an adverse reaction like we're seeing. Many are incapable of knowing champs like Man-thing are better than just innuendo jokes. It's quite sad.
    Yes, it must be that people hate the idea of not using herc rather than not having a bunch of (mostly underwhelming) champions at R3 or 5* R5 because up until this point in the game, they served very little purpose in a roster, and will most certainly continue serving very little purpose once more after this month's gone by.
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