Another way to enjoy the game exists ( Thank bg)

I've been reading the posts since yesterday and I'd like to make a single voice heard in this game. To hear the community, Kabam has ruined the battlegrounds by proposing restrictive nodes . If I'm not mistaken, the limits apply to the opponents too. I've read that summoners would like there to be no nodes on the path to victory. If I don't talk nonsense, it exists and it's called VS. Kabam has done a lot for all the complainers by making the story mode, variant mode and event month quest mode very easy. Please leave us at least one competitive mode that proves we were right to up other characters than Human Torch CGR or Archangel. I know this opinion will not be unanimous but represents the point of view of the summoners who liked this game when it offered challenges and who are often bored now.
Your point about story mode just shows many players can't handle challenging content. Or the minute they find something a little out of their comfort zone, they have an adverse reaction like we're seeing. Many are incapable of knowing champs like Man-thing are better than just innuendo jokes. It's quite sad.
Sadly that option was removed. But still. Just do 3 battles. Get some stuff to buy shards or sig stones. If you win a battle get some extra stuff. And let the rest nuke it out. If you are a very skilled player I totally get why you like this mode. Since it is the only mode that is both really really challenging, and also rewarding.
Can someone help?
You’ll get power burned whenever there’s an armour up on the opponent. You give the opponent an armour up every 10 hits. If they have multiple armour ups you’ll take higher damage.
The best ways to work around this is one of the following:
- High DoT champions - AA, HT
- Low hit heavy attack champions - CMM, Warlock
- Stagger (ensure that it’s there on every 9th hit to stagger armour up) - Doom, Sym Supreme, Manthing
- Power burn immune champions - Hulkling, Terrax, King Groot etc
- Ability Accuracy Reduction to prevent armour ups/the power burn working - KP (Sp1), awakened AA, Hit Monkey
- Champions that Armour Break - Corvus, CMM, CGR, King Groot
- Champions that don’t need to hit the opponent directly - Masacre, Valkyrie
- Neutralise - Rintrah, Hood, Wiccan, Tigra
- Champions that can remove an armour up - Knull, CMM (heavy counter)
Build your defence to counter these champions/have armour ups that can’t easily be removed etc.