Alliance war Health and war crystal rewards

The health in war cost to much. Kabaam gives one loyalty revives, but need a cheaper health revive. and the rewards for winning are ****. I'm Paragon, I open a war win crystal, and it's **** most the time. Really need to make health cheaper. It's like war health is still based on 5 star champions. To fill up a 6star r4 is ridiculous. Make the nodes harder, but make health cheaper, and boost the rewards depending on player level. I've been playing this game 8 years. I think rewards should also advance not just by paragon, but by time played. It kinda makes me sick to see Noobs in the game that are paragon. But war almost isn't worth it. If I sat out and just spun crystals using the units in war i'd probably get better rewards. Boost the health, change more nodes. You guys just changed path 7 in gold 2 for purify champs to be placed. Nothing like doing a long hard war and getting 20k loyalty if win, which gets you what, 9000 health, when we have 40k ish health pools. boost war up to 6star stuff