One thing I enjoy about the current BG meta

The mind games and setting traps are more satisfying especially the current meta requires limited specific counters, otherwise, they will 100% take dmg or take long enough time. This however assuming your draft isn't atrocious.
PS. Max sig Namor is an underrated attacker

PS. Max sig Namor is an underrated attacker

The first guy have all mutants (Colo, AA and Kitty whom he place as defender) in the 3rd Round so yeah putting Apoc was perfect.
Second guy have no solid Man Thing counters though Valkyrie can possibly do it and I think he did better that I imagined.
Third was a bit lucky. But still satisfying because Galan is almost sure win.
I love all the people who bring torch thinking he is a good attacker in this meta 🤣
If you want to say torch is good, show me he is good, but from my experience, he is very bad.
Just a few examples. Just need to build smoulders before starting to hit. I had even better rounds vs other mystics other than rintrah (energy resistance)
Torch is still a great option in this meta. You just need to change up the play-style slightly
This is a bad meta for VT.