Get weekends off of AQ and AW

It’s hard to keep people motivated in AQ and AW on Saturdays and Sundays. How about instead of getting random days off every week you just give us every Saturday and Sunday off. This way people are free to play personal content if they choose to.
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
By the way, in my humble opinion, the AW seasons are too long.
Back when I was working, I had waaaay more free time on the weekends to catch up on Alliance events.
I understand wanting to simplify it and keep it on a strict schedule but not everyone's going to have the same schedule and even if you were to make it a "Monday through Friday" schedule, or if you change the schedule to "4 days on/3 days off" or "cut the amount of play time in half" or any other suggestion people have been making over the last couple years, it's still going to have complaints because no matter how much you try to please everyone, someone is still going to be negatively affected by it.
And yes, there have been suggestions to make the seasons considerably shorter. I think someone once suggested we do weekly seasons, also on a Monday through Friday basis 😂