Infamous Doom Basic Pool Date Changed?

So now Infamous Doom will be added to the basic pool on 2/21 and not 1/31 as it’s been predicted for many many months now. Myself as of many others chose Tech Abyss Nexus crystals from Cyber Week Sales for this exact reason of him entering the basic pool when he was originally said to. These weren’t cheap crystals to purchase and many of us have many of them as well as the normal 3 champ tech nexus crystals and the Cav tech nexus crystals. None of which were free. So now the exact reason we all spent our money on these specific class nexus crystals for the specific champ that was said to be entering the basic pool on a specific date has now changed. If this was said then most of us if not all of us would’ve picked another class. This isn’t right and in a way is false advertising. Can’t get my money back because then here comes the red units zone. So can Kabam make this right somehow? Allow players to reselect the class? Leave Infamous Doom to enter the basic pool as he was originally said to? I’m not happy as are many of not all in this situation. So making things right would be very much appreciated by all players effected. Especially after the hundreds of thousands spent on this game on cyber week.
Kabam didn't come out and say "Buy these crystals because iDoom will be in them on 1/31" and it's extremely petty to be upset that what we "thought" was going to happen, without any information being told to us, doesn't happen. That's like if it leaked that a certain champ was supposed to come out next month and it ended up being a different champ. Kabam doesn't owe you anything because you chose to believe information that wasn't given from them.
Edit: it's perfectly fine to be upset about it. I'm sitting on tech nexuses too and I wish he was coming sooner. What's not okay is to feel like you're entitled to some kind of compensation or have things "made right" because you believed an outside source.
Again, it's perfectly reasonable to be upset or aggravated about it. But you're asking people, who had nothing to do with the root cause of your frustrations, to remedy said frustrations. These kinds of "opinions" put immense amount of stress on game devs for making the simplest of decisions. I understand where this person is coming from, and I apologize if I was too blunt in my response, but please understand that there are people on the other side of this. Asking someone to fix something that they, realistically, didn't cause puts additional stress for zero reason. Kabam employs already have to put up with enough **** from our community.
Why now they call it an error? Isn't better to say "we tried it, it doesn't add up, we re sorry, we re changing it back".?
The value of Abyss Tech crystal vs the 5 other non-Tech Abyss crystals, also remains the same as each classes pool remains the same regardless of if iDoom is present on 1/31 or 2/21. However, deciding which class to pick could be affected by the Featured crystal.
The value of Abyss Tech crystal vs Featured 6-star crystal is the only one that has truly changed. If a player pulls iDoom from the featured in the beginning of February, then the Abyss Tech might feel worthless on 2/21.
Whether that merits compensation or not (and what type of compensation), is debatable.
You also never know, you might not get from from 40 featured crystals. It is always a nice backup option.
The Abyss Crystals (and any Nexus or basic crystal) will pull from the pool *at the time of opening*.
Meaning Iron Doom will be in the Abyss Tech Nexus Crystals if you wait to open until he's added to Basic Pool.
Side note….Put back into iron man to mid/end January pls