
Ionian888Ionian888 Member Posts: 13
Yo, Korg fight is bugged in the Gauntlet. If you enter with APOC he should cancel percentages of his evades due to APOC ability and mix master node on Korg, but if you revive those charges won t stick.
With flux dispersal and no cancelation of his evade this fight is a joke,,,


  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    lol. erhhh. true though. if you go in with just apoc as a counter, then you are doomed. not to forget you may have already wasted enough revives to reach there.
  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    I tried with kitty and died instantly so I just plowed through him with Hercules with about 10 L1 revives. Strategy is M-L dash back intercept and get to sp2 and H after stun and do as many hits as possible then revive, and repeat. Took about 5-10% off each time.
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