Gauntlet Team?

BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 292 ★★★
Would: Quake, Kitty r4, Tigra r4, AA r5, and Ghost r5 be a good team?
I feel like the 5* ghost is a little too weak, but I'm only gonna use her for Spider Gwen and maybe IBom.


  • BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 292 ★★★
    Worked out well. Used ~14 revives, which I'm pretty happy with for a first run! Got QS and OS, so I was pumped!!!
  • BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 292 ★★★
    Next team's gonna be:
    Kitty r4
    Scorp (will be r4)
    Valk (will be r3)
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