How much will you play MCOC this month?

With significantly more difficult EQ and SQ for the same or reduced rewards, a ridiculous BG meta and a special event with a bunch of relic shards how much will you play MCOC this month?
How much will you play MCOC this month? 187 votes
Significantly reduced MCOC time this month. Maybe finish 1 difficulty of EQ and SQ and dabble in other areas a bit.
It will be a very light MCOC month for me.
I’m planning on doing Thronebreaker, Cavalier, and Uncollected for sure on EQ, mostly for the rank up resources and six star shards, and maybe Master for the title.
SQ I’ll be doing all five difficulties when I get around to them, as Cav’s are always nice if not for champs, then for iso.
I’m very hype for this next featured (Spot and Abby are gonna be CRAZY) so I’m saving resources for them. Collecting the t5b and t2a, and I have enough cats and rank up gems to bring them both to r3.
Also saving all my iso and gold, buying up piggy banks when available. I’m also buying dual class 4 and 5 star crystals. I know that’s a gamble, but it’s one I’m willing to take.
I’m planning to have 8 or 9 crystals within the first week, and mainly hoping for first timers and dupes on Spot, Abby, and iDoom. I also have a hunch we might see Fury, so he’d be great too.
I’ve got big plans, and only a month to prepare. Come at me MCOC!!
With EOP and Gauntlet back, I'm doing more arena again just to build up the unit stash I blew on GBC's and Cyber Weekend, so that I can tackle those at the end of the month.
Now I have to take a step back, settle for kess rewards, get stuck in progression, etc.
This is really bumming me out. Not sure if I want to keep playing at all this way.
In December had to do arenas to reach 5* relic milestone. That's a relief.
I mainly play bg and I’m enjoying that
Gauntlet is permanent, so it can wait. And EoP will probably take some time and planning, so like Gauntlet I will let it sit for a while.
Dr. Zola