AOS/AMQ LF a active/Skilled paragon player

Alpha Omega Squad is
Looking for 4 Active & Skilled Tronebreaker/ Paragon with minimum 15 x R3 soonest possible
You have to be used to an tier4+4 wars
P4 Season rewards minimum
But we are ofcorse trying to stay for P3 Wict we are now
AQ map666 & weekly score about 380+ million score &
4800 Glory
Platinum 4
3 bg war
Going for P3 & because that need war skilled
But you have to do AQ to
Not only war &
That’s the only 3 things we want from our members
Active is the key word in our alliance
On line app
For more information
Looking for 4 Active & Skilled Tronebreaker/ Paragon with minimum 15 x R3 soonest possible
You have to be used to an tier4+4 wars

P4 Season rewards minimum
But we are ofcorse trying to stay for P3 Wict we are now
AQ map666 & weekly score about 380+ million score &
4800 Glory
Platinum 4
3 bg war
Going for P3 & because that need war skilled
But you have to do AQ to
Not only war &
That’s the only 3 things we want from our members
Active is the key word in our alliance
On line app
For more information