Defense is off and not working

I have an iPhone 7+ and noticed a number of issues when is comes to defense. Parry work occasionally. The words come up but there’s no effect. No immune is displayed so I know it’s not a counterattack. Then I noticed with block if I roll my finger just a bit then it disengages. It stinks but it is what it is. Why is the sensitivity so off the charts? I’m not swiping so why disengage the block? I also noticed the combos are now being ignored. Mid combo I’m getting hit. It’s like if there’s a lag between gameplay. It harms Any game progression because a simple combo from a defender can wipe you out. Then there’s a new one I’m witnessing of a stacked combo. I get attacked by 15 hits and it’s if I’m pushed into a corner. I have no way of getting out of it. Block don’t work. Parry don’t work. Evade don’t work. You’re just a sitting duck. Lastly I have one where the animation shows a hit but there’s no contact. I might as well be hitting wind. Then as I’m suppose to be making contact they hit me. It can be midcombo or during a stun. They suddenly can pull one out of no where and I’m there saying I would have defended that and simply never attacked. Funny thing is I thought it was my phone but it’s not. Gameplay is really horrible when it’s sprite collision malfunction and a bad way of just letting AI run rampant.
Please let me know what’s the deal...
Please let me know what’s the deal...