New monthly event quest difficulty and rewards

I think it’s pretty out of order of Kabam to up the difficulty of the monthly quests by so much and not buff the rewards as a consequence, they’re just not worth the effort now imo! By all means add a Thronebreaker event but was there really a need to change the other levels? Most of us already spend more than enough time and in some cases money on this game and these changes are only designed to make us spend more of our time and units on it, without any noticeable buff to the resources to aid in our progression!
Does anyone else feel the same or disagree and if so why?
Does anyone else feel the same or disagree and if so why?
But orcs are going to tell you that you're simply not skilled enough.
I say we start a boycott MCOC for one week. Let’s see how they react to NO one playing their game in response to idiotic changes.
Kabam continue to do this sort of thing without any thought or consideration for the player base and it is seldom well received, you’d think they would learn their lesson and ask the players before making such big changes but they never seem to unfortunately!
There are always going to be folks that whatever you throw at them will complete easy, but this should be set for the greater community not the few.
To place the rewards into prospective in 2 or 3 months there will be 7 star champs, yet only very few folks have r5 6stars champs, that smells fishy to me.
Finally the side quest objectives were rubbish useless relic items only 3 and 4 star rubbish much prefer the t6b and t3a shards
From reading the comments it seems as though you’re in the minority with your opinion on this subject.
At the end of the day we’re not all elite level players like you are we!