Increased Difficulty with little to no catch for the players.

Crisonix13Crisonix13 Member Posts: 12
Cav eq has 125% attack, 300% health
TB eq has 50% attack, 400% health, plus the nodes that were created by some 7 year old(please anyone from KABAM subscribe to grammarly)
thats a 75% decrease on attack, 100% on health, and additional nodes we have to read/learn because of how bad KABAM construct their sentences on the nodes.

But even with a 75% decrease on attack TB still has more than 1k ~ 2k attack than Cav because of stats,
Obviously 7* stats > 6* stats

Point im trying to get here is where's the actual catch here for the players? IIRC the introductory video for the "relics" said that it will help 6* have an easier time vs 7*. Im confused how a flat -32.68 decrease on physical defense(relic hulk) would impact the gigantic increase the defenders are getting?


  • KnasKnasKnasKnas Member Posts: 28
    Thronebreaker is arguably easier than Cavalier since you get Cross-Fight buffs (they seem bugged now though) and other benefits yielding more rewards for playing well. You also don't get negatively punished from bringing a specific class, which Cavalier has across every chapter.

    It takes more time in TB though since you need to plan your roster more to properly benefit from the positive buffs you can attain, compared to Cav's simple "class is stronger, class is weaker" nodes.

    Relics give you the extra couple of attacks followed by a passive stun that lets you do yet another 5-hit combo. Its been a lifesaver for me multiple times, such as if I use Doom, and I accidentally take the opponent to sp3. I can after the combo just use the Relic attack and get myself either sp1 or sp3 to get rid of the problem. If you have a champion you use alot, but don't have an actual buff benefit from a Relic, its still really smart to assign it a "bad" one just because of the extra attacks you can perform. The primary focus of Relics is not, for example, the flat -32.68 decrease you have in your Relic. The focus is the extra attacks you can perform and the control of the fight you get overall.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,775 ★★★★★

    Cav eq has 125% attack, 300% health
    TB eq has 50% attack, 400% health, plus the nodes that were created by some 7 year old(please anyone from KABAM subscribe to grammarly)
    thats a 75% decrease on attack, 100% on health, and additional nodes we have to read/learn because of how bad KABAM construct their sentences on the nodes.

    But even with a 75% decrease on attack TB still has more than 1k ~ 2k attack than Cav because of stats,
    Obviously 7* stats > 6* stats

    Point im trying to get here is where's the actual catch here for the players? IIRC the introductory video for the "relics" said that it will help 6* have an easier time vs 7*. Im confused how a flat -32.68 decrease on physical defense(relic hulk) would impact the gigantic increase the defenders are getting?

    Oof. It's crazy you call out Kabam for grammar and then decided that your comment was correctly constructed. 😬
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