That’s a tough one. Can’t go wrong with either honestly but I’d say it depends on what you currently need in your roster right now. If you’re lacking in Immune champs then Ultron, if you need some extra damage dealing then SL is where it’s at. Just took mine to R5 recently and am very happy with him. I can see your dilemma though good luck in choosing!
Literally 5seconds ago i go a 4 star iceman so i guess i can use him as my immunity champion but ultron would still be nasty as a alliance war defender and would be my highest rated champ
Depends on where you are at in the game. Starlord maxed out R5 sig99 can definitely help you clear story content like super easily (if you are stuck in certain areas). He is insane. I would maybe lean towards him. Yet Ultron is a good champ and doesn't have to be duped to be good, also bleed and poison immune can save your ass big time. But now that you got Iceman for immunities... oh man. Makes me lean even more on SL. Neither would be a bad choice honestly. It's just that SL deals SOOOO much more damage (if you can keep a combo of course). I have him R5 and without him, I would have never been able to complete 5.3.
Are you a boss killer and looking to do end game content? SL easily.
Do you need a utility regen champ in AQ or AW? Then Ultron, but only if you are comfortable playing with him. I, and some others, hate using Ultron.
For fights finishing below 50 hits (thereabouts) or under 3 mins, Ultron 5* rank 3 is better than Star Lord.
This is mainly due to Star Lord not reaching combo count for high damage.