BGs Stun Immunity Node Bug

MetricAreaMetricArea Member Posts: 27
Hey all.

You may have noticed it: The third week's meta of BG in Gladiator Circuit started yesterday. The theme of the week is Hazard Shift Incinerate/Poison, True Focus and Stunning Immunity.

There seems to be something off with the Stunning Immunity node. I noticed two bugs:

- Stunning Immunity triggers when playing with a Robot (Poison Immune) even when the Incinerate phase of the node is up
- Stunning Immunity triggers when playing Shang-Chi with his Cleansing Strike which is not an immunity at all!

Dear team, can you please look into this? It makes a tough combo of nodes even tougher and more frustrating. How can we play around it if the node triggers when it's not supposed to?

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
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