Do lower star champion pulls affect 5 or 6 star pulls?

Jamesm7_Jamesm7_ Member Posts: 63
Just got a 4 star ghost and Hercules, I was about to open a few 6 star crystals. Would this have translated to my 6 stars or are they already predetermined? Or did I use up my luck? Just a general question I’ve always wondered


  • MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
    Each crystal opening is independent from the one before and the one after. You could theoretically pull the same champion at the same rarity 3 times in a row or never pull that champion in a million crystals. Go ahead and open them my friend. They will be what they will be.
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,955 ★★★★★
    Each crystal has the same chance for one champion as all the others unless otherwise stated
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Open your 6*s, capww2 and airwalker are walking towards you.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    Jamesm7_ said:

    Just got a 4 star ghost and Hercules, I was about to open a few 6 star crystals. Would this have translated to my 6 stars or are they already predetermined? Or did I use up my luck? Just a general question I’ve always wondered

    They aren't predetermined because you can sit on 4/5/6* crystals you bought or formed from shards months or years ago and still pull a champ that was just newly added to the basic pool the day you open them. Your account also doesn't have a list of champs you will pull in a set order so that if you hadn't gotten the Ghost and Hercules as 4* but instead opened the 6* crystals that they would have been obtained in that rarity instead.

    Basically, the answer to your questions is that every option you posited is not the case/is incorrect. No, it doesn't "translate" between different rarities, it isn't predetermined (unless we are talking about once you click to open and the reel just being for show but that isn't what you meant) and you didn't use up your luck.

    Hope your 6* pulls are good champs.
  • TheSaithTheSaith Member Posts: 647 ★★★
    Well I used to do same, but last few days i straight went for 6star nd got Doom, than legendary 3-5* I got Red mag dupped and 5 Star later Omega Sentinel. Don't stress out just open the crystal you want to open.
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