Paragon yet stuck..

I am pretty early paragon, I have 4 r4 and about to have my 5th. I’ve 100% Act 7 as well as 8.1, I have beaten Abyss of Legends. I see the new content dropping, yet I don’t feel it is for me. Seeing all the rewards drop and content creators make EOP and Guantlet seem not as difficult makes it exciting, then of course when I make an attempt to look into this content, I just give up. I’m not into using countless revives (abyss was a one time thing and i hated it) or restarting the quest if my fight isn’t near perfection. So I find myself completing the monthly quest and calling it quits until the next week of event drops/ new month. Anyone have any suggestions on what I could work on to be more confident or even consistent in the game to want to complete more end game content? Am I a minority and this is a personal issue?
I'm similar. 8 r4 and can rank 3 more, act 7 and 8.1 100% and one abyss run done.... I have used way too many revives on all of that and was probably on an average of 10-15 revives per superior Kang run.
@Cat_Murdock is right, you can't compare yourself to kt, bero, swedeah, MSD, karateMike or even Rich or Hoff. These are people at the very top of the skill tree in the first group, or effectively play this semi-professionally in the second group. If you log in for an hour or two a day, you're a rank amateur 😉
But!!! That is the vast majority of players and the forums is often a bad place to also compare, as there are some people on here who post a lot (demon, pikolu, average, DNA, mauled, wicket, workin and others I'm forgetting) who are in a similar skill bracket to some of the best on that list. Also, forum posters are notoriously dedicated to games.
So what else is there to do? AQ, AW, battlegrounds and spread out content?
I try to do the 22 hour events to at least the fourth milestone (although often miss the arena one) and that means I save the event quest until the EQ event is on. That's 7-8 revives and lv4 potions and 175 units a month from doing TB (and cav) when it's on and then saving those revives alongside farming act 3.2.6 for additional revives for runs of EOP as was or gauntlet (which I did both of the prior times at HUGE revive count! 😁).
There's no rush on this stuff and not all of it is supposed to be done by everyone.
One last thing, due to the reward mechanics in this game, the government mandated insert into UK tv adverts on certain forms of entertainment has a maxim that is sadly true in this game too; when the fun stops, stop!